Our Mission

AboutStemCells.org is designed for anyone interested in stem cell science. An educational resource, it provides accessible and reliable information about stem cell research, its applications, and its potential for healthcare. Our mission is to empower patients and the public with knowledge and understanding of stem cell research and treatments, enabling informed personal health decisions. We aim to foster a future where society’s improved understanding supports and progresses stem cell science, leading to life-changing discoveries and improved public health outcomes.

Founded in 2002, the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is an independent, global, nonprofit organization that promotes excellence in stem cell science and applications to human health. Our vision is a world where stem cell science is encouraged, ethics are prioritized, and discovery improves understanding and advances human health. With more than 4,600 members spanning 80 countries, the ISSCR champions ethical, rigorous, and transparent research practices, envisioning a world where stem cell science is encouraged, ethics are prioritized, and discovery improves understanding and advances human health.  Learn more.

Please note: ISSCR does NOT offer stem cell treatments.  

The ISSCR acknowledges the following individuals for their contributions to the Society’s public education efforts:

Clare Blackburn, PhD, University of Edinburgh
Dennis Clegg, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara
Corey Cutler, MD, MPH, FRCPC, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard University
Lawrence Goldstein, PhD, University of California, San Diego
Nipan Israsena, MD, PhD, Chulalongkorn University
Richard Lee, MD, Harvard University
Megan Munsie, PhD, University of Melbourne

Fernando Pitossi, PhD, Leloir Institute
Meg Schneider, Science Writer
Douglas Sipp, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology
Deepak Srivastava, MD, Gladstone Institutes and University of California, San Francisco
Jeffrey Stern, MD, PhD, Neural Stem Cell Institute